Snowflake Snowpark

Home DiLytics Services Snowflake Snowpark

What is your Key Challenge?

Delays in
ETL Process

Spending considerable time in extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) business-critical data


Limited Data Transformation

Existing data tools are unable to carry out complex data transformations and lack flexibility


High Cost of
Data Processing

Paying additionally for commercial off-the-shelf data integration tools despite subscribing to Snowflake

Snowpark Snowflake

Introducing Snowpark – A Data Processing Feature from Snowflake

Snowpark is a powerful and flexible data processing feature from Snowflake.

It enables developers to leverage familiar tools, such as Java, Python, and Scala, to perform ETL, data preparation, machine learning and application build tasks. Snowpark is tightly integrated with Snowflake’s cloud data platform and performs data transformations and analytics directly within the Snowflake database.

Leverage Snowpark with your existing Snowflake subscription at no additional cost.

Choose Your Improvement Areas

Data Programming

Unified Data Programming Platform

Integrate SQL and popular programming languages like Python, Java and Scala. Utilize existing skills and work with data in a familiar environment, eliminating the need to switch between different tools and platforms.

Data Processing

In-Database Data Processing

Enable data transformations and analytics directly within the Snowflake database. Eliminate the latency and overhead associated with data movement, and witness faster data processing times along with reduced operational costs.


Reduced Infrastructure Costs

Eliminate setting up and maintaining separate environments for SQL and other programming language processing and reduce the infrastructure costs associated with managing multiple systems, databases, and tools.


Powerful Data Processing Capabilities

Snowpark utilizes Snowflake’s processing engine for data transformations and analytics, leveraging cloud elasticity and parallel processing for large-scale tasks.

Data Governance

Enhanced Data Governance

Maintain data security and compliance effortlessly as data access controls and permissions remain intact in accordance with Snowflake’s security and governance features.

How Snowpark Can Provide You Valuable Assistance?

Build custom connectors or integration solutions leveraging Snowpark's capabilities for transformations

Create complex ETL workflows involving conditional transformations, data validations, and aggregations.

Orchestrate and automate complex data workflows, coordinating data movement, transformations, and more.

Build advanced analytics solutions, including predictive modeling, machine learning, and statistical analysis, directly within the Snowflake platform.

Impacts You can Anticipate with DiLytics Insight Solutions (Snowpark + Snowflake)

DiLytics offers pre-built ready-to-use solutions known as ‘DiLytics Insight Solutions,’ designed for essential corporate areas like Finance, Human Resources, and Procurement. These solutions come with pre-built data pipelines from industry-leading ERP systems, pre-built data models; pre-packaged business metrics, attributes, reports and dashboards.

Snowflake Snowpark

DiLytics Insight Solutions (Snowpark + Snowflake)

A typical deployment of DiLytics Insight Solutions in a customer’s environment is depicted in the schematic below:


DiLytics Insight Solutions can ‘Go Live’ in a matter of weeks.

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DiLytics Insight Solutions

DiLytics offers ‘Insight Solutions’ in a modular fashion.

Utilize our Expertise to Leverage the Potential of Your Data

If you wish to know more about how DiLytics can help you in moving to/leveraging Snowflake for your different use cases, please provide us additional information and we shall get back to you at the earliest.

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